American’s Dream-Part 5

A psychic thriller interlaced with mystery, romance and emotion. Parts -1,2,3,4 & 5 are combined to understand the story.

My experience with dreams & life events made me write this fictional story.



“In the still of night, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, bearing a divine message. The angel revealed that Mary’s unborn child was the Son of God, sent to save humanity. With faith and obedience, Joseph was instructed to take Mary as his wife and name the child Jesus, the Savior of the world.”

In Buddhist literature, Queen Maya’s conception dream is revered:

On a full moon night, Queen Maya fell into a deep sleep. Four devas lifted her to a serene Himalayan Lake, where they bathed, perfumed, and adorned her with flowers. A majestic white bull elephant, clutching a white lotus, appeared. It circled her three times, struck her right side, and vanished into her. Awakened, Queen Maya felt an intense energy. She shared the dream with King Suddhodana. The elephant symbolized greatness, so the king consulted 64 brahmans. They prophesied that the child would either conquer the world or renounce it. This child was Gautama Buddha.

In the epic Mahabharata, Karna shares a prophetic dream with Lord Krishna:

“I envisioned Yudhisthira and his brothers ascending to a majestic, thousand-pillared palace, adorned in white turbans and robes. Yudhisthira consumed the earth, symbolizing his impending reign. Then, I saw myself and other kings riding a camel cart to Yama’s abode, destined to face the fiery wrath of Gandiva.”

Karna interprets the dream, “The outcome is certain: slaughter will befall Duryodhana and the assembled kings in battle.”

In Islamic tradition, Prophet Ibrahim had a disturbing dream:

One night, Prophet Ibrahim dreamed that Allah commanded him to sacrifice his beloved son, Ishmael. Believing it to be the whisper of Shaytan, Ibrahim dismissed the dream. However, the next night, the same dream recurred. Recognizing Allah’s will, Ibrahim accepted the challenge, trusting in His wisdom.

Ibrahim shared the dream with Ismail, who, demonstrating unwavering faith, submitted to Allah’s command. Together, they set out to fulfill the divine decree. As they reached the designated spot, Allah intervened, replacing Ismail with a ram. This trial of faith cemented Ibrahim’s devotion and Ismail’s willingness to surrender to Allah’s plan. This event is commemorated annually during Eid al-Adha [Festival of Sacrifice].

New York City-USA

The British brought slaves from Africa to USA in the 16th century. The descendants of them are the twin sisters-Elizabeth and Helen living in New York city and they endured a lifetime of color discrimination. Despite overcoming adversity, they became medical professionals – Elizabeth, a gynecologist, and Helen, a nurse – working together at Glen Lenox Hospital, New York.

One fateful night, they attended to two pregnant patients: Carol, a white woman, and Nancy, a black woman, both harboring deep-seated hatred for the opposite race. Elizabeth, a gynecologist, and Helen, a nurse, were dismayed by their patients’ attitudes. Amidst a busy night with 10 deliveries, they navigated the complexities of racial tension. In America, parents must pre-select names for birth registration. Carol and Nancy had chosen names for both boy and girl possibilities. As the night unfolded, Elizabeth and Helen witnessed the miracle of life yet struggled with the entrenched prejudices surrounding them.

December 8, Glen Lenox Hospital, New York

Winter’s gentle snowfall enveloped Glen Lenox Hospital, but inside, a dramatic scene unfolded. Twin sisters Elizabeth and Helen, obstetrician and nurse, had just performed complex cesarean operations on Carol and Nancy. As the new mothers regained consciousness, they were met with astonishment and disbelief. Carol, the white woman, cradled a beautiful black baby boy, whom she named Michael. Nancy, the black woman, gazed lovingly at her white baby boy, Paul.

Stunned and confused, both women struggled to comprehend the unexpected twist. Their husbands, reeling in shock, doubted their wives’ fidelity and abandoned their families.

That night, the black boy Michael and white boy Paul do not know that their lives are intertwined by fate and how it is going to unfold!

The story continues…

American’s Dream – Part 2

After their discharge from Glen Lenox Hospital, Carol and Nancy part ways, each returning home with their unexpected blessings, Michael and Paul. Helen, the thoughtful nurse, ensures their cars have secure seats before bidding them farewell. As she watched them drive away, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that Michael and Paul’s lives were somehow connected. Carol returns home with Michael, where Jennifer, his eager older sister, awaits his arrival. Despite Michael’s darker complexion, Jennifer showers him with love and affection. With her husband gone, Carol shoulders the responsibility of caring for both children. She found solace in her new role as a USPS delivery woman, during the day.

Fortunately, the US education system offers free schooling, including lunch and transportation, from elementary to college. This alleviated Carol’s financial worries, allowing her to focus on nurturing Jennifer and Michael. As they settle into their new routine, Carol’s love for Michael grew, transcending racial boundaries. She ensures Jennifer and Michael receive equal attention, fostering a strong bond between them.

Months passed, and Carol found a new sense of purpose. She rose every morning at 4:30 AM to sort mail at the USPS depot, followed by her delivery route. The physical labor was demanding, but providing for her family motivates her. Jennifer, Carol’s eldest, assumes a maternal role, helping Michael with homework and bedtime stories. She fiercely protects her little brother from playground teasing about their skin colors. Michael grew up with an inferiority complex, struggling to form friendships outside their tight-knit circle. To him, Carol and Jennifer were his best friends. Their humble home fills with love and laughter, especially during Christmas. Carol would always bake a big plum cake, its sweet aroma signaling the holiday’s arrival. For Michael, the plum cake became a symbol of joy, a reminder that happiness wasn’t measured in dollars. Despite financial constraints, their family found contentment in each other’s company.

One day, Michael told her mother that he had terrified dreams at midnight and gets awake. Carol consoles Michael, “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Whenever nightmares strike, hug me tight. I’m always here for you.” Michael finds solace in his mother’s warmth. One day, Jennifer shares her terrifying dream with Michael. “Do you know I had a nightmare yesterday?” she asks. Michael’s response stuns her: “Fire?”. Jennifer’s eyes widened. “Yes, how did you know?” The next day, in the garden, Jennifer asks again, “Michael, did you know I had another terrifying dream? “Michael’s reply sent shivers: “Was it a flood of water?”

Jennifer is amazed by Michael’s uncanny accuracy. She confides in Carol, “Michael has an extraordinary gift. He’s different from others.” Carol’s curiosity was piqued. She notices Michael’s unique abilities, wondering. Michael shares a special bond with his sister Jennifer, confiding in her about his life, including his close friendship with James. They live in the same neighborhood, attending the same school and riding the bus together. Evening playdates were a regular occurrence.

One full moon night, as the clock struck midnight, Michael drifted into a deep sleep. He had a vivid dream about his close friend James.

“A black feathered bird was flying towards James’s house and sat on the top of his house. Immediately a black cat was crossing the door of his house. Inside James’s house, James was sleeping in the bed in a complete black dress and silently his father Harris was walking from behind and suddenly pulled out a black rope and set snooze around his neck. James struggled, could not breathe and was lifeless in the bed.”

Michael’s eyes snapped open at 1 AM, his heart racing from a disturbing dream. The darkness outside seemed oppressive, and the silence was unsettling. He couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease. Michael woke his mother, Carol, and recounted the dream in vivid detail. Carol soothes him, “Hug me and sleep, it’s just a bad dream.” Michael clung to her, finding temporary comfort. The next morning, Carol drops Michael off at the bus stop. He notices James’s absence and asks, “Mom, why isn’t James here today?” Carol suggests maybe James is sick or takes a leave. Throughout the school day, Michael’s mind wanders, worrying about James. When the bus drops him off in the afternoon, Michael walks home, only to be met with a shocking sight, numerous cars parked outside James’s house.

A neighbor delivers the devastating news, James had died from an electric shock at home. Michael reels, struggling to comprehend the loss of his friend. This is his first encounter about death. That night, Carol, Michael and his sister Jennifer were all shaken. Carol began to grasp the significance of Jennifer’s earlier words about Michael’s unusual abilities. The next day, Carol sought guidance from the church father, sharing Michael’s prophetic dream. James’s father, Harris, happens to be present, and Carol’s words ignited his anger. James’s father, Harris’s reaction left Carol wondering, was Michael’s dream more than just a coincidence?

Not known to anyone, James’s father, Harris, harbored a deep-seated hatred for his youngest son since birth. While he doted on his three other sons, James was the target of his irrational anger. The previous fateful night, Harris’s malice turned deadly. He murdered James, disguising the crime as an accidental electrocution. Meanwhile, Harris’s fixation shifted to Michael, monitoring his every move without his knowledge. Michael, gifted with prophetic dreams, foresaw James’s tragic fate. Haunted by the premonition, Michael struggles to shake off the feeling of dread. His mother, Carol, tries to reassure him, but the trauma of James’s death lingers. Michael became withdrawn, often visiting James’s grave, seeking solace and clarity.

As the sunset painted the sky, Michael, overwhelmed with grief, gathers flowers from the garden and visits James’s grave. Tears streaming down his face, he placed the blooms and closed his eyes in reverence. Suddenly, his face gets from covered from behind. Michael is dragged, brutally beaten, and left unconscious. When he came to senses, he found himself in a sand-filled clay pit, battered and bruised. The shocking truth remains hidden, James’s father, Harris, is the perpetrator. That night, as Michael lay in bed, Carol and Jennifer nursed his wounds, warning him to be cautious.

Michael, Carol and Jennifer do not know that this is just the beginning!

The story continues…

American’s dream- Part 3

Michael, a reserved high school student, often went unnoticed in class. His silence made him an enigma to his classmates. However, one person saw beyond his quiet nature, his English teacher, Ms. Lorange. During a routine notebook check, Ms. Lorange stumbled upon Michael’s consistent mistake, “Comming” instead of “Coming.” With a warm smile, she asked, “Michael, where did you learn this spelling?”

Michael’s heart skipped a beat. No one had ever shown such genuine interest in him before. Ms. Lorange’s kindness and gentle correction left an indelible mark. From that moment on, every time Michael wrote “Coming,” he remembered Ms. Lorange’s affectionate tone. Her unwavering support ignited his passion for English literature. Under Ms. Lorange’s guidance, Michael blossomed. He found solace in words, and his silence transformed into eloquent expressions. Michael’s fondness for Ms. Lorange grew as he excelled in English literature. However, ominous events began to unfold. One night, Michael’s slumber was disrupted by a haunting dream.

Ms. Lorange trapped in a dark room, shrouded in shadows. Her black dress seemed to absorb the faint light, and despair filled her eyes. Tears streamed down her face as she vanished into the darkness.”

Michael’s subconscious screamed, but his physical form remained paralyzed. He awoke with a start, attempting to shake off the ominous feeling. Waking up, Michael tries to shake off the feeling. “But it’s just a dream,” he told himself. Next day, a somber and unsettling atmosphere settles over the school. Morning classes proceed, but whispers spread. “Did you hear? Lorange isn’t here today.” Rumors swirl, speculation grows: “Is she sick?” “Did she quit?” “Something’s wrong.”

The principal said the next day in the assembly “Students and faculty, we regret to inform you that Ms. Lorange has passed away.” Gasps echo through the halls. Shock and grief settle in. Michael’s emotions swirl. His premonition had come true. Lorange’s suicide shocks Michael and the entire school community. The fear of what other dreams will come true haunts Michael!

Michael was devastated, feeling lost and abandoned. “Why did she do it?” Michael wonders. Memories of Ms. Lorange, kindness and guidance flood his mind. Michael struggles to cope with the loss. “Lorange was more than a teacher and she inspired me to love literature.” Michael sits alone, lost in thought. “Can I prevent future tragedies?” Michael returns home, his eyes red from tears. Carol notices his distress. “Michael, what’s wrong?” Michael takes a deep breath. “Lorange… she’s gone.” Jennifer’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

Michael’s voice cracks. “She died. I had a dream… I saw it happening.” Carol’s expression turns concerned. “Oh, Michael. I’m so sorry.” Jennifer hugs her brother tightly. “It’s not your fault, Michael.” Carol’s voice is gentle. “Tell us everything.” Michael recounts his dream, the feelings of guilt and helplessness. Carol listens attentively, her eyes filled with empathy. Jennifer’s face reflects her brother’s pain. Support and love envelope Michael. Carol: “We’re here for you, always.” Jennifer: “You’re not alone.” Carol: “We need to get you help, Michael. Someone who understands.”

Carol schedules an appointment with Dr. Lisa Nguyen, a psychologist specializing in trauma and paranormal experiences. Dr. Nguyen’s calm demeanor puts Michael at ease. “Tell me about your dreams, Michael.” Michael shares his experiences, including Lorange’s death.

Dr. Nguyen listens attentively, taking notes. “Michael, your dreams may be related to anxiety, trauma, or even a psychic ability. We’ll explore this further.” “Michael, your dreams may be more than just premonitions. Let’s explore your psychic abilities.” Dr. Nguyen conducts tests and exercises to understand Michael’s abilities. “Michael, you exhibit exceptional psychic abilities, likely linked to your traumatic experiences.” Dr. Nguyen advises Michael to do meditation.

Years roll and a new chapter unfolds.

Michael’s College Graduation. It was a proud moment for Carol and Jennifer. Michael earns a degree in English Literature, inspired by Ms. Lorange. Common in the US, young adults leave home after schooling. Michael is searching for a job. Jennifer moves out to start her career in marketing as a new journey.

In US Culture, young adults often move to new states for opportunities. Sharing rooms or apartments is common. Cross-country road trips are a rite of passage. Michael starts the classic American adventure. Michael packs his car, ready to explore new horizons to start at California state. Michael embarks on a cross-country road trip. He drives through the scenic routes, breathtaking landscapes, stops at quirky roadside attractions. Finally, Michael arrives in California! Time to find a place to call home. Michael finds a shared room for 900$. “New state, new life, new opportunities.” Carol’s nest is empty, and she is adjusting to life without her children.  That night, he had a terrible dream of her mother carol. The premonition dream starts again for Michael.

Michael sees Carol in a hospital bed, frail and weak. Doctors rush around her, urgent expressions. Michael hears his own voice, screaming. “Mom! No!”

He wakes up, drenched in sweat. Heart racing, mind reeling.

What will happen to Carol?

The story continues…

American’s dream- Part 4

Premonition dream again. Michael knows the drill. Guilt, anxiety, and fear overwhelm him. He recalls Dr. Nguyen’s words, “Your powers are growing stronger.” Emotional conflict hits Michael. Michael calls Carol, hiding his worry. “Hey, Mom. Just checking you. I love you.” Carol, “Aww, love you too, Everything okay?” Michael “Yeah, all good.” Hangs on.

In the evening, when he enters the kitchen of the shared house to prepare dinner, he sees a beautiful girl and takes him by surprise. It is his classmate, Angeline, who is staying in another room of the house. “Angeline! What are you doing here?” Angeline starts with a bright smile. “Michael! I’m surprised to meet you here! I started a nursing job at UCLA Medical Center.” “No way! I have joined in a news journal as a journalist. What brought you to California?” Angeline shares her story. “New adventures, better opportunities. I couldn’t resist the sunshine.” Michael invites Angeline to grab dinner. Catching up on lost time, they share laughter, memories, and dreams.

Angeline, “Noticed you seemed troubled earlier. Everything okay?” Michael hesitates, unsure how much to reveal. Michael confides in Angeline about his premonition. Meantime, Angeline shares her own struggles. Michael shares the premonition about his mother Carol. Angeline tells Michael to go to church and offer prayers and all will be well. Michael seeks solace in prayer. He sits with clasped hands in the church. “Dear God, please protect Mom. Keep her safe.” He lights a candle, symbolizing hope. He does that every Sunday with the belief that faith and prayer can move mountains.

Michael works in Californian times magazine as a journalist since his writings are very impressive.  Editor-in-Chief, Rachel Lee: “Michael, your writing is captivating. Welcome to our team!” Michael starts his writing about the profile of a local artist, exploring art and an engaging interview. Californian times magazine circulation got boosted by Michael’s compelling articles.

In the weekends, Michael and Angeline explore California together. A mild romance blossoms but both do not express their love for each other.

One night Angeline overwhelmed with romance comes to the room of Michael and takes him to her room. In her room, Angeline undresses before Michael. Undressing before him, vulnerability shines. Michael is taken aback yet drawn to Angeline’s sincerity. Tenderly, Michael approaches Angeline. Emotions collide as they share a passionate kiss. Michael’s thoughts swirl. “Is this too soon?”. Angeline senses Michael’s unease. “Michael, what’s wrong? You seem distant.” Angeline smiles, “Let’s take things slow, Michael”. Michael was grateful for Angeline’s empathy and understanding.

When things were sailing smoothly, Michael is not aware of a hurricane going to hit him badly!

Michael is told to get news about the “Golden State University awards”. While attending the event, he is noticed by a student. He approaches Michael noticing him with the journalist tag. He takes Michael to the garden and tells the complete truth behind the alleged misappropriation of funds by the University President, Dr. Emma Taylor.

Michael then interviews the faculty, staff, and students’ off-the-record conversations and finds the truth. Michael’s article is published as “Golden State University Scandal”. It is an explosive revelation about Dr. Emma Taylor misusing funds. Followed by the massive public outrage, Dr. Emma Taylor steps down. That night the whistle blower student is shot in front of his home. The news reaches Michael, and he is upset and sad at the turn of the events. Next day in the office, Michael is called by the proprietor and is fired from the job. Michael does not know that Dr. Emma Taylor is an influential person in California and the proprietor could not withstand the warning from Dr. Emma Taylor.

When he steps out of the office after resigning, he receives a call from his sister Jennifer that their mother has passed away due to a sudden heart attack leaving Michael shocked. What he thought should not happen, yet again happens! Michael’s world crumbles. Fired from his job, whistleblower murdered and Mother’s sudden passing. Emotional devastation overwhelms Michael. Guilt and anxiety resurface. “Premonitions, why didn’t I stop it?” Angeline comforts Michael in his darkest hour. Shares his grief with tears. Michael’s reflection is “Faith and prayer weren’t enough.” Michael believes his psychic abilities and his psychic powers evolve. He feels lost and helpless.

Grief-stricken, Michael flies back to New York. Family and friends gather for Carol’s funeral. It is an emotional Farewell. Michael delivers a heartfelt note. “Mom, your love and guidance will never fade. You treated Jennifer and me equally though we were of different colors. You had been guiding me in every stage of my life.” Tears flow as they lay Carol to rest. In the post-funeral gathering Michael reconnects with loved ones by sharing stories and memories of his mother. Jennifer supports Michael with sisterly love and comfort. “Michael, we’re in this together.” Angeline flies in from California to be by Michael’s side. Michael finds solace in Angeline’s company.

It was an emotional crossroad. Jennifer departs for work. Angeline prepares to leave. It is a surprising confession from Angeline. “Michael, this isn’t the right time, but I want you to know… I wish to marry you.” Michael, taken aback. Angeline continues: “Let’s start a new in California. Leave the pain behind.” Michael says “I appreciate your feelings, Angeline, but… I need to move on, alone. Different state, new magazine, fresh start.” Angeline “Tears welling up… I understand.” Angeline hands Michael a small note, “Your mom would want you happy, Michael. We’re not replacing her love; we’re finding ours. Call me whenever you’re ready, my doors are always open for you anytime”. Angeline departs, leaving Michael pondering.

A new chapter begins. Michael moves to Washington D.C to join the National Daily News. In the flight, the adjacent passenger looks at Michael palm and reads his lines. The palmist says Michael, “I wish good luck for your next trouble awaiting soon in the new place”.

What is the next trouble awaiting Michael?

The story continues…

American’s dream – Part 5

Michael joins National Daily News and meets colleagues, including seasoned journalist, Sarah Thompson. Michael settles into National Daily News. Sarah Thompson introduces him to the team. Michael has a unique and impressive style of writing that further attracts many.  The Palmist’s Warning is haunting Michael, and he was recalling the words, “Next trouble awaiting soon.”

National Daily News circulation boosts after Michael’s arrival. Readers praise his unique writing style. Colleagues admire his dedication and work ethic. Michael earns trust and admiration from colleagues. His notable stories are “The Dark Side of Washington”, “Exposing Corruption in City Hall”. Michael receives prestigious journalism awards. National Daily News’ reputation soars.

In Washington DC, Michael is recovering from his mom’s passing. In the office, he gets many romantic offers, but he refuses, as at the back of the mind, he still remembers Angeline. One night, he has an ominous dream.

“He meets the US president Bill Clinton, while he is speaking to him, suddenly one lady appears and smears ink over US president Bill Clinton’s white coat leaving him in a mess.”

Michael gets up from bed. Disturbed, Michael tries to shake off the vivid dream. US President Bill Clinton symbolizes power and influence. Lady smearing ink might be sabotage, scandal, or reputational damage. The white coat is about purity and integrity. Michael is sure now his dream would come true based on earlier occasions.

Michael informs Sarah Thompson about the possibility of damage to the reputation of US president Bill Clinton. “Michael, we can’t let personal feelings influence our reporting and think of the fallout. The President’s reputation…besides, President Clinton’s actions have consequences. So, we cannot publish or reveal this out”. Next week, all the newspaper in USA has the main news about Clinton-Monica Lewinsky’s affairs. Sarah Thompson is stunned reading the news. Michael’s premonition about President Bill Clinton’s scandal is spot on, and the news of the Clinton-Monica Lewinsky affair shakes the nation. Michael’s intuition is likely fueled by his earlier encounters and the palmist’s warning, which hints at something big brewing. Sarah Thompson calls Michael in her cabin and is amazingly looking at Michael, “How did you know? This is massive. Your dream, was it some kind of premonition?” Michael reveals “Earlier occasions, the palmist’s warning… I sensed something big.” She then asks, “What else do you have information about Bill Clinton”?

When Sarah Thompson asks Michael if he had any more information about President Clinton from the dream, he reveals a crucial detail from his dream – someone was recording the President’s phone conversations. This bombshell suggests a larger conspiracy at play.

She quietly conveys all this to the Head of National Daily News, and it reaches the top management of the National Daily News. The management decides to fire Michael from the job as it would create a controversy. They make a ploy to fire him by accusing him of sexual charges by a co-worker Rachel against him. It is a false accusation, and clearly used to silence Michael where power dynamics are involved. Michael says to the co-worker Rachel, “You know what the truth is. You were forced to say this. Whatever I say now will not be relevant. I don’t have any anger over you. Reach out to me when you come out of this anytime in future, we can have a coffee together”.

Michael hands over his tag and leaves the office from Washington DC on a rainy evening. Michael’s integrity and courage in reporting the truth led to false accusations and character assassination. Firing from National Daily News and loss of professional reputation. Michael’s response is empathy towards the co-worker Rachel. He is aware of power dynamics. Finally, he develops resilience in the face of adversity.

Years later, the recorded evidence of the telephonic conversation at white house plays a huge role in Clinton-Monica Lewinsky’s affairs.

Wherever he goes, he says the truth, and no one hears his story!! Will this continue for Michael? What is in store for him next?

The story continues…


This blog is a personal publication, and the views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the blog owner. The story presented on this blog is entirely fictional. All characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination.

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  1. You understand that the content is fictional and not based on real events or individuals.
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 Note: The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Unsplash images, Google & AI. Many thanks. Special thanks to Meta AI for editorial support.

 The story is copyright protected.